Plot structure
Each episode must start with the transparent bottle with red woolen yarn and orange paper inside (the mission).
The bottle can be picked up on a beach, from a river or already be set in the story but must be seen within the first shots.
Once the bottle enters into the life of the new characters it must become the co-leading character in the plot development, the motive-power of the plot, the cause of character change and resolution of conflict.
The bottle, at the end of the episode, goes away with the orange paper (the mission) and a piece of characters soul inside. This will take the shape of a sentence, a graphic sign, a picture, a music score, etc.
The “message” must make sense with the story created. The last shots must show the action of somebody putting the bottle in the water and the bottle floating away by itself.
Each episode must be a short movie that makes sense by itself and can be watched alone. It will be linked to the other episodes only by the continuity of the bottle and the orange paper.
If somebody wants to start from the "message" of another episode (not just the generic mission) or use an actor of that episode, that is allowed. However, the association must be noted so the episode can be appropriately linked.
Between episodes that take place in the same country, there must be at least 5 episodes from different countries.
Goals of production
The creation of a collective film and sharing creativity and knowledge are among the objectives of this project. An international network of authors could be built through the process. One common goal is to realize the best product we can, within the constraints of independent productions. Each author must produce his or her own episode and must be responsible about the content. For this purpose, it's important to always keep in mind the author's pact.
Expression form and language
Each episode can be developed in different form and artistic language: video, videoclip, musical, animation, videoart, picture sequence, etc. Total freedom exists with respect to expression form and treatment; it can be comical, dramatic, unreal, poetic, etc.
Episode length
10 minute maximum (including credits).
Each episode can be shot in the original language but all must be subtitled in English. If somebody wants, they may dub it in English.
Video quality and resolution
Both content and video resolution should be good quality (HD) even if it is a low budget production. Video must be realized in 16:9 aspect ratio.
The film will be distributed mainly on-line and will be developed an App for it.